Lexical representations of the concept of Holy Mass in the Middle Ages. Onomasiological analysis
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In the article, the subject of description included continuous and discontinuous auto-semantic lexical units used in the medieval language (until the end of the 15th century) which are a lexical representation of the concepts of Holy Mass in the Słownik pojęciowy języka staropolskiego online [Conceptual Dictionary of Old Polish online]. The result of onomasiological works on the vocabulary gathered within the concept of HOLY MASS in the Słownik pojęciowy języka staropolskiego [Conceptual Dictionary of Old Polish online] is the categorization of this lexis within subordinate concepts. They include lexical units referring to the name of the service, the maner of its celebration, sermon, sacrifice, rite of peace, holy communion, final blessing, and items related to the holy mass.
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