Dialog z tradycją w nauczaniu Benedykta XVI

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Stanislav Košč


Tradition is what shapes the identity both of individuals and of whole nations. Perhaps this is the reason why Europeans try to actively participate in discussions about the value of connecting with tradition. Pope Benedict XVI, in his theological and philosophical reflections, takes a stance towards the issue. His views are not limited to the question of faith. It seems worthwile to analyze his reflections academically. Only such societies could endure and maintain their integrity which, on a daily basis, refer to their best traditions based on ethical norms, respect for human dignity and universal values. The goal of such references is to critically evaluate history, culture, contemporary ethics and norms, to draw inspiration from enriching tradition and then transmit it to future generations. The Church seems to have accumulated a great deal of most valuable traditions which contribute to the well-being of contemporary societies. It offers the opportunity to conduct inspirational dialogue with tradition and sees the dialogic method as one of the most important ways of searching for the truth, creating healthy cultures and strong ethical values. It seems particularly crucial for the Polish culture, so deeply embedded in the Christian tradition, to approach the religion through such a comprehensive dialogue. Only in this way could we find out how authentic Polish Christian faith is and whether it is conducive to the integral development of individuals and societies.


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Jak cytować
Košč, S. (2011) „Dialog z tradycją w nauczaniu Benedykta XVI”, ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS PAEDAGOGICAE CRACOVIENSIS. STUDIA LINGUISTICA, (6). Dostępne na: https://studialinguistica.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/5062 (Udostępniono: 23 luty 2025).
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