Leksykalizacja wobec tradycji językowej

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Magdalena Pastuchowa


The paper concerns mutual relations between lexicalization processes and linguistic tradition. The author invokes Polish and foreign works and points to possible ways of understanding lexicalization by illustrating them with Polish linguistic material. The attention is focused on the diachronic approach to lexicalization processes. The aim of the article is to indicate linguistic processes which allow lexicalization to be treated as a phenomenon continuing the Polish lexical tradition (maintaining old meanings), or as a process causing the severance of etymological relations. The paper also stresses the importance of folk etymology as a process which can be interpreted as an attempt to build artificial etymological relations between lexemes.


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Jak cytować
Pastuchowa, M. (2011) „Leksykalizacja wobec tradycji językowej ”, ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS PAEDAGOGICAE CRACOVIENSIS. STUDIA LINGUISTICA, (6). Dostępne na: https://studialinguistica.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/5077 (Udostępniono: 23 luty 2025).
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