Leksem miłosierdzie jako biblijne słowo klucz w Starym Testamencie

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Ryszard Jedliński


The article discusses different meanings of the word mercy, considering it a key word for the understanding of God’s revelation in the Old Testament. The complex interpretation of this word, especially in the personal, emotional, and operational aspects, is used to describe the relation between God and Israelites as well as the history of the chosen people. God’s mercy, expressed in words and actions, bolstered the morale of Israelites in the time of subsequent slaveries, giving them hope that God will never leave them, will forgive them their wrongdoings and will lead them to the Promised Land. Mercy is a fundamental moral value that stems from God’s love and is closely connected with numerous moral, social and vital values.


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Jak cytować
Jedliński, R. (2013) „Leksem miłosierdzie jako biblijne słowo klucz w Starym Testamencie”, ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS PAEDAGOGICAE CRACOVIENSIS. STUDIA LINGUISTICA, (8). Dostępne na: https://studialinguistica.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/5106 (Udostępniono: 23 luty 2025).
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