Językowe sposoby wyrażania aktu śmierci w dawnych inskrypcjach nagrobnych z cmentarza Rakowickiego w Krakowie

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Iwona Steczko


The paper discusses the depictions of death and dying from the epitaphs at the Rakowicki Cemetery in Krakow. The epitaphs analyzed come from mostly non-extant gravestones form the period 1803-1865 recorded in the 19th century by Antoni Kostecki. Among many synonyms of death occurring in the epitaphs, two major groups can be distinguished: explicit references to dying and its euphemistic mostly idiomatic descriptions. The analysis demonstrates considerable changes that were taking place in death-related vocabulary at the beginning of the 19th century.


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Jak cytować
Steczko, I. (2019) „Językowe sposoby wyrażania aktu śmierci w dawnych inskrypcjach nagrobnych z cmentarza Rakowickiego w Krakowie”, ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS PAEDAGOGICAE CRACOVIENSIS. STUDIA LINGUISTICA, (6). Dostępne na: https://studialinguistica.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/5065 (Udostępniono: 23 luty 2025).
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