1. The deadline for submitting texts for individual issues of the yearbook is the last day of March each year. After receiving the text, the editors of the journal pre-qualify it for compliance with the journal's profile. In the event of a large number of submissions, the final deadline for submitting manuscripts might change.

2. In the case of a positive qualification, the text is sent to two reviewers from outside the staff of the University of the National Education Commission, Krakow.

3. The rule is to appoint reviewers whose place of affiliation is not the same as the place of affiliation of the author of the text.

4. The review is anonymous on both sides, i.e. the journal's editorial staff does not disclose the names of the reviewers to the author, and the reviewers do not know the author's identity.

5. The review is prepared in writing in accordance with the applicable form.

6. The review should contain an unequivocal conclusion, i.e. a recommendation to print the text (possibly with the reviewer's indication of necessary corrections) or a request to reject the text.

7. After obtaining the review, the editors familiarize them with the author of the text, asking them to respond to any comments by the reviewers.

8. In the event of conflicting review conclusions, the editors may request the appointment of an additional reviewer or make a collective decision on the fate of the text.

9. A collective list of reviewers invited to cooperate (without indicating the names of the reviewers of individual texts) is given in each volume of the yearbook.

10. The author concludes a contract with the Scientific Publisher - publisher of the journal, declaring that the submitted text is the result of his own work and does not infringe the copyrights of others.

11. All texts submitted for printing are subject to an anti-plagiarism procedure.