Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The manuscript has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to any other journal for consideration.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced, 12-point font size, with italics, rather than underlining (except for the URL addresses); all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the main body of the text, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Rules for qualifying and reviewing the submitted manuscripts

1. The deadline for submitting texts for individual issues of the yearbook is the last day of March of the current year. After receiving the text, the editors of the Journal pre-qualify it for compliance with the Journal's profile. In the event of a large number of submissions, the final deadline for submitting manuscripts might change.

2. If the mansucript qualifies, the text is sent for a double blind peer review to Reviewers outside the University of the National Education Commission, Krakow.

3. The rule is to appoint reviewers whose place of affiliation is not the same as the place of affiliation of the author of the text.

4. The review is anonymous on both sides, i.e. the Journal's editorial staff does not disclose the names of the reviewers to the author, and the reviewers do not know the author's identity.

5. The review is prepared in writing in accordance with the applicable form.

6. The review should contain an unequivocal conclusion, i.e. a recommendation to print the text (possibly with the reviewer's indication of necessary corrections) or a request to reject the text.

7. After obtaining the reviews, the editors send them to the author of the text, asking them to respond to all the comments made by the reviewers.

8. In the event of conflicting review conclusions, the editors may request the appointment of an additional reviewer or make a collective decision on the fate of the text.

9. A collective list of reviewers invited to cooperate (without indicating the names of the reviewers of individual texts) is given in each volume of the yearbook.

10. The author concludes a contract with the Publisher of the Journal, declaring that the submitted text is the result of his own work and does not infringe upon the copyrights of others.

11. All texts submitted for printing are subject to an anti-plagiarism procedure.


Editorial guidelines

1. The text should be submitted in a basic style in Microsoft Word and saved in the following formats: doc. or docx. Additionally, one copy of the text should be sent in the pdf format.

2. Preferred typeface: Times New Roman, 12 points, 1.5 line spacing, two pages justification, page numbering: bottom right corner.

3. The volume of the text should not exceed 1 publishing sheet (40,000 characters with spaces).

4. Under the title of the article, please place keywords in Polish and English (between 3 and 5).

5. Italics emphasize the words and phrases discussed in the text, foreign language inclusions and titles of books, their chapters and articles; we put titles of magazines in quotation marks.

6. Short quotes should be placed between quotation marks, while long ones (over 3 lines) - in smaller font (11 points), with indentation and a one-line space between the main text.

7. At the end of the text, please include the title of your manuscript in English and two abstracts: in English and in Polish (no more than 15 verses each). The abstract should reflect the following structure: an introduction to the topic, the aim of the research/the main hypothesis, a brief description of the method and key findings.

8. Highlights in the text (italics, bold) should be applied manually, i.e. using icons or keyboard shortcuts. Please do not use automatic numbering and bullet points. Please, do not use paragraph indentation using the space and tab keys.

9. Bibliographic references should be compiled according to the following formula:

-  in-text referencing: author's name, date of publication, page, e.g. (Chlebda 2005: 214),

- at the end of the text: abbreviations list, bibliography (alphabetical list of cited literature) and a list of used internet sources together with an indication of the website address and date of access to it (the description of the netography should be similar to the bibliographic description - include the author of the cited text, the title of the cited article, portal name, website address and access date); in the description of articles from journals or collective works, the article's pages should be provided;

- references written in the Cyrillic alphabet should be transliterated in accordance with the PN-ISO 9:2000 provisions. Transliteration can be done with the help of an online tool: https://www.ushuaia.pl/transliterate. The Cyrillic version should appear in square brackets right after the transliterated reference



ISJP - Another Polish Dictionary, edited by M. Bańko, vol. I-II, Warsaw 2000.

USJP - Universal Polish Dictionary, edited by S. Dubisz, vol. I-IV, Warsaw 2006.


Barańczak S., 1975, Word - persuasion - mass culture, "Creativity" VII, pp. 44-57.

Bieńkowska D., 2002, Polish biblical style, Łódź.

Cybulski M., 2005, Language customs in the Old Polish era, [in:] Dissertations on the history of the Polish language, edited by S. Borawski, Zielona Góra, pp. 149–211.

Vinogradov V.S., 1978, Leksičeskie voprosy perevoda hudožestvennoj prozy,  Moskva: [Виноградов В.С., 1978, Лексические вопросы перевода художественной прозы, Москва].

Vlahov S., Florin S., 1986,  Neperevodimoe v perevode, Moskva: [Влахов С., Флорин С., 1986, Непереводимое в переводе,  Москва].

Internet sources

Katz O., 2011, Meme Culture, "Mojeopinie.pl", www.mojeopinie.pl/kultura_memu,3,1323728828 (accessed November 9, 2018).

Zaremba M., 2012, Internet Memes (2010-2011), "Media and Society", No. 2, pp. 60-72, http://www.mediaispoleczenstwo.ath.bielsko.pl/art/060_zaremba.pdf (accessed November 9th 2018).

10. Graphics:

   - photos, drawings, tables should be signed and numbered, and the text should contain links to specific graphics, e.g. (see Table 1);

   - graphic objects (photos, diagrams, charts) should be provided in separate files; in the text, please insert them in their appropriate place and number them (Table 1, Chart 2 and provide an appropriate caption);

   - data on the basis of which charts are generated should be provided in separate files in the form of tables.