Krakow Regionalisms in Youth Language - Familiarity with Selected Lexemes
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The aim of this article is to present the results of survey research that examined the familiarity with selected Krakow regionalisms. The study was inspired by the work of renowned linguists Jadwiga Kowalikowa and Sylwia Przęczek-Kisielak. The results obtained by the researchers were compared with those collected in April 2022. 100 respondents from a Krakow high school were asked about the meaning and associations of words such as “kaflarz,” “fliziarz,” “andrus,” “łor,” “krakus,” “bajok,” “lajkonik,” “pedel,” “centuś,” and “kinder.” It was revealed that some of these words are still known to the youth, while others are understood differently than the definitions provided in the publication titled “Powiedziane po krakowsku. Słownik regionalizmów krakowskich,” Krakow 2019. It is emphasized that the discussed issue has not been fully explored, and its research prospects are extensive.
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