Literature as a source of phraseology. Literaturism and its types in the Polish language
Main Article Content
The main aim of the article is to direct the reader’s attention to the marginal nature of the research in phraseology derived from broadly conceived literary works. Heretofore phraseological combinations drawn from literature have not received comprehensive and in-depth linguistic treatment – there are no major theoretical and material-based works of research devoted to this subject which would enable one to present the richness and the variety of such lexical forms featured in the modern Polish language. Due to the fact that the Polish linguistic literature lacks a separate name of lexical combinations derived from literature, the author introduces the term literaturism (a literature-based expression – Polish: literaturyzm), by analogy with the terms biblizm and mitologizm which have been used in Polish linguistic studies for many years, and she also distinguishes particular types of literaturisms, i.e. phraseological literaturism (e.g. czekać na Godota, chocholi taniec, lwia część, rząd dusz, wiek balzakowski) and lexical literaturism (e.g. dulcynea, dulszczyzna, hamletyzm, judym, quasimodo).
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