Język młodych tarnowian w świetle korespondencji elektronicznej
Main Article Content
inhabitants of Tarnów. The research corpus consists of about 200 e-mails written by pupils
of Tarnów schools between March 2007 and April 2008. Main emphasis of the research
is put on the novel linguistic forms which determine the innovative character of e-mail
communication, in particular: technical and technological vocabulary, abbreviations and
acronyms, borrowings, graphic signs and specific spelling forms, and vulgarity of expression.
Those observations do not characterize the whole lexicon, but only a selected fragment of
the linguistic reality, yet on this basis we may claim that the internet language of the youth is
strongly influential and growing in range, and should become a subject of a detailed linguistic
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Język młodych tarnowian w świetle korespondencji elektronicznej
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