Szwedzkie wpływy w języku polskim. Perspektywa językowo-kulturowa
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The author of the paper analyses traces of Swedish in the Polish language, taking into account lexical borrowings, proverbs and also phrases and collocations that contain the component szwedzki/-a/-ie (Swedish). The conducted analysis shows how the image of Sweden and Swedes shifts from a negative (seventeenth century) to a positive one in the Polish language. By means of examples of collocations and phrases found in dictionaries and on the Internet, the author shows that Swedish culture has a high value in the contemporary Polish language. This pertains to the country’s style of life, products, cooking and even social phenomena originating from Sweden or regarded by Poles as Swedish in origin. The author arrives at the conclusion that this is not only the result of extensive cultural contacts between Sweden and Poland but also due to the intensive promotion of Swedish culture by Swedish institutions and companies operating in Poland such as the Embassy of Sweden and Ikea.Romanticism or first introduced into poetry by the Romantics on the other.
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