Polityczna rozrywka czy nowa retoryka? W stronę współczesnej widoczności medialnej polityków
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Numerous variables must be considered in an analysis of paradigms used to create the image of a politician in the contemporary media space. The author aims to describe the changes that have occurred in Poland in this area since the year 2015 (two concurrent election cam- paigns), associated with a completely new way of perception and thus with a new set of tools used to create the media image of a politician. The discussion is based on an original research category: a politician understood as a MediaEgo who exists in a complex media and political reality termed the MediaPolis. The contents of the Pudelek.pl web portal are discussed to identify the methods used to create the image of one of Polish politicians (who are analyzed by the author in terms of MediaEgo existence), President Andrzej Duda.
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