The notion of tenderness, as understood by Pope Francis, against the background of linguistic data

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Renata Grzegorczykowa


The paper, inspired by the apostolic exhortation Amorislaetitia (2016) by Pope Francis, is devoted to the notion of tenderness in the Polish language, as compared with its equivalents in other European languages, mentioned in the translations of Pope Francis’ exhortation: Italian tenerezza, French tendresse, English tenderness, German Zärtlichkeit, Russian nežnost’. Etymologies of these words, not only from the Romance languages, but also German and Russian names, are associated with the notions like gentleness and fragility, which refer to the attitude towards another person, expression of the feeling, as well as the gentle way of treating another person. In that respect, Polish differs from the other languages. The image of tenderness shaped by the Polish word czułość (etymologically connected with the verb czuć - tofeel) directs attention to the aspect of sensitivity and empathy with another person, focusing on the condition, situation in which the person finds himself/herself, as well as their needs. It is an important aspect, which is underestimated during the first reflection on this notion, as it is dominated by the meaning of expression of the feeling.


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How to Cite
Grzegorczykowa, R. (2017) “The notion of tenderness, as understood by Pope Francis, against the background of linguistic data”, Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Linguistica, (12). doi: 10.24917/20831765.12.11.


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