Names and derivatives from names in Polish Warmia in the 19th century
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The article presents first names and derivatives derived from first names, used in families in Warmia in the 19th century. The material was gathered from the work of W. Barczewski, Kiermasy in Warmia. Names in Warmian families were passed down from generation to generation and given in accordance with family tradition.
The selection of names was scarce. First names were rare in common circulation, more often short names and deminutive-hypocoristic forms created with a small number of formants were used. The number of diminutive or playful female names was limited. These were created by name derivatives: Luca, Jewka, Lucka, Nulka, Baśka, Basia, Barwuchna, Dośka, Waleśka, Elzka, Joanka, Finka, Katrynka, Kaśka, Marychna, and Staśka. Of the male names, Barczewski certified ten names in basic forms: Jakub, Andrzej, Stefan, Klement, Michał, Maciej, Marcin, Joachim, Wojciech, Kazimierz and derivative hypocorrisms and deminutive forms: Janek, Michałek, Maciek, Kuba, Kubal, Kubalek, Kaźnirek, Wojtek, Jędrysek, Józefek, Wiktorek, Frąck, Matys. Respect for adults was expressed through full names, whereas children were addressed with deminutive-hypocorristic forms, and emotionally-oriented forms.
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