Picturesqueness as a style feature of historical pamphlet of XVI th. century. Remarks on Acrostichis własnego wyobrażenia Kniaża Wielkiego Moskiewskiego by Walenty Neothebel
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The main subject of the study is to point out the language and text exponents of picturesqueness as a style feature of historical pamphlet of XVI th. century. The observations were made on the example of the work Acrostichis własnego wyobrażenia Kniaża Wielkiego Moskiewskiego by Walenty Neothebel. One can indicate a few determinants of picturesqueness, they are: discontinuous words structures, proverbs and idioms, comparisons, enumerations and large and extensive description contexts. In general distinguished devices are not imaginative or exquisite, frequently being allied to simple, even colloquial language. In that the analyzed text is clearly vivid and evocative. The applied devices serve pragmatic effectiveness of the work, wich is its most important component. In the analyzed piece of work one can distinguish the features of more than one literary genre, e.g. pamphlet, morality play or dialogue, but the pragmatic aspect leads primarily to critical texts of political subject which are close right to the pamphlet. Furthermore, one can mark that Walenty Neothebel due to negative picture of tsar Ivan the Terrible presented in Acrostichis preserved the negative stereotype of Russians in Polish language and culture.
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