Life in the city on the basis of lexical analysis of lviv’s „Morning Courier” chronicles from 1928
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The purpose of the article is the reconstruction of fragmentary picture of life in Lviv 93 years ago. The material basis are the chronicles from archive issues of „Morning Courier” from 1928, available in the Library of Lviv National University of Ivan Franko. The definition and function of press chronicle is assumed in the article according to Magdalena Pietrzak genologic research. The attention was paid to the creative character of the media communication and the sociolinguistic understanding of the city as a specific place in the social space (acc. to Kwiryna Handke). The example material was classified according to semantic aspects included in lexical definition of the noun life (above all economic, craftsman, business, political, cultural, religious => social life) codified in The Great Dictionary of Polish Language edited by Piotr Żmigrodzki in the online version.
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