Humility and Being Humble in the Polish language (in the light of collocation, phraseological and paremical units)

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Włodzimierz Wysoczański


The main intention in the presentation of Humility and Being Humble in the Old and Contemporary Polish language is to reveal the formation and consolidation of these concepts in the minds of language users. The subject of the review are multi-word units - collocation, phraseology and paremism. In the image of Humility and Being Humble, two fundamental planes are distinguished. The multifaceted fulfillment of the manifestations of a human attitude boils down to: an attitude towards humility, its formation, its manifestation and the attitude expressed; in the case of humility - to acquire it, form it, manifest it, act in harmony with it, and obey something in humility. You express the nature of humility as the source of something else, the perpetration, effects, coexistence with certain concepts; humility determines its character and consequences.


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How to Cite
Wysoczański, W. (2021) “Humility and Being Humble in the Polish language (in the light of collocation, phraseological and paremical units)”, Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Linguistica, (16), pp. 224–238. doi: 10.24917/20831765.16.19.


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