Polish communication network and its main axes

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Stanisław Gajda


An inalienable property of the linguistic reality is the multi-language nature of the world and the multi-variation character of the ethnic-national communication space. As regards Polish pace, one can distinguish a series of axes around which the processes of long lasting concentrate. The author discusses the following five axes: (1) idiolectal (individual languages), (2) one determined by the dichotomy: spoken language - written language (contemporarily it assumes the form: spoken language - media language - written language), (3) one connected with the opposition: dialects - literary language (today in the form: dialects - mixed languages - general language), (4) functional variations (their ‘canonical’ series: colloquial language - scientific language - journalistic language - language of the administration - religious language - artistic language), and (5) one of three styles (high - medium - low).


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How to Cite
Gajda, S. (2021) “Polish communication network and its main axes”, Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Linguistica, (16), pp. 40–53. doi: 10.24917/20831765.16.4.


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