Maintaining and breaking the rules of communication ethics in the discussion about the election of the Head of the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association
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There are 7 principles of ethical communication disscused in the article. Presented rules were excerpted from the review of word ethics literature. These are: the principle of equality, the principle of inclusion, the principle of honesty and truthfulness, the principle of non-coercion, the principle of non-dehumanization, the principle of taking into account human complexity and multidimensionality, and the principle of preserving and respecting autonomy. The article presents types of linguistic behaviour, which proves that the indicated rules are respected and disregarded in the communication process. In order to systematize the analysis of both types of behaviour, in the article a code key was used. At the same time, by presenting the categories that make up the code key, it is a tool that can be successfully used to study communication ethics in other types of texts.
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