Teksty informacyjne w mieście – perspektywa odbiorcy
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the presence of texts in the city reality which are designed for collective receivers/recipients
(eg. sign-board, information advertising, price labels, etc.). In the research, the components
revealing descanting in the urban language (dialectal and sociolectal features) were found, as
well as the associated evaluation of objects and phenomena, colloquiality or even familiarity
of idea transfer, and free realisation of orthographic and stylistic norms. Urban texts bear
testimony of frequent language taboo breaking in the original sphere as well as in the area
violating tactfulness and politeness canons, up to violation of decency and modesty. In the
thesis, the changes in the sphere of native words meaning (neologisms and neosemantisms)
and examples of introducing allogenic lexemes (orientalisms) are discussed. The important
feature of the examples analysed is ambiguity, present in the lexical area as well as in the
global apprehension of the message, which could decide about the language game played
with receivers.
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