A theophoric name, Józef, in anthroponymic and toponymic structures of Polish
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The article presents the productivity of the name Józef and its variants in the creation of Polish personal and place names in the historical perspective, taking into account the frequency and geographical location of such names. In the surnames derived from the name Józef, known from the Middle Ages and later sources, various adaptations of the name have been recorded, including graphic and phonetic variants, dialectal and East Slavonic realisations. Most of the toponyms derived from the afore-mentioned name were more recently created in the 19th century. Among the names, toponyms with the suffixes: -ów, -owo, and -in dominate. Some place names have a commemorative genesis. The surnames and place names discussed in the article occur in various regions of the country, but the largest turnout is in the Mazowieckie, Łódzkie, Wielkopolskie and Lubelskie provinces.
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