In consideration of the selected names of costumes (attire), presented in Słownik gwary gorczańskiej (zagórzańskiej) by Józefa Kobylińska and Słownik gwar polskich by Jan Karłowicz
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The aim of the analysis and description in this paper is to examine words of foreign provenance: ‘baja’, ‘katanka’ (ǁkatana) and ‘łoktuszka’ (ǁłoktusza), selected from two lexicographical sources: a regional Słownik gwary gorczańskiej (zagórzańskiej), containing vocabulary from the late nineteenth century and the twentieth century, and the nationwide Słownik gwar polskich, in which the lexical material comes mainly from the second half of the nineteenth century. The author analyses the development of the meaning of the aforesaid words in Polish dialects, concerning “Gorce’’ area and other dialect territories, over the course of two centuries. It shows what their semantic development in relation to the donor’s language and the semantic differences in different territories of the Polish dialect were: where did they function as semantic dialects, which ones were regional in nature - Lesser Poland, and which ones were nationwide lexical units.
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