Bołt, dorożka, trehubica – names of instruments used for fishing in Józef Weyssenhoff’s Puszcza

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Magdalena Płusa


The subject of research in the following article are the names of fishing devices, presented by Józef Weyssenhoff in his novel entitled Puszcza (1913). From the rich resources of lexical and semantic regionalisms, the author chose three names: bołt, dorożka and trehubica, documented in the work and related to the topics of shooting and hunting - the subjects that the author was well acquainted with. On the basis of Weyssenhoff’s comments placed in the footnotes and remarks introduced to the main text of the novel, the meaning that the given words assume in the language of fishermen in Polesie was determined. The information obtained in this way was then compared with the content included in the dictionaries of the Polish language and dialect, as well as in important collections of borderline vocabulary: dictionary sources and mono-graphs of the Polish language used in the area of North Borderline.


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How to Cite
Płusa, M. (2019) “Bołt, dorożka, trehubica – names of instruments used for fishing in Józef Weyssenhoff’s Puszcza”, Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Linguistica, (14), pp. 157–169. doi: 10.24917/20831765.14.14.


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