Functionality of language games in the press of the second publishing circulation of the late 1970s
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The article presents the functionality of language games in texts representing the unofficial press discourse of the late ‘70s (press). The non-censorship journalism of the second publishing circulation, published outside the censorship, created a space for independent debate and presented the point of view of the pre-solidarity opposition; therefore, it developed communication practices that were alternative to Newspapers as the basic model of Polish in the press at the time (and in public communication). Language games (lexical, syntactic, text, and intertextual) strengthened the persuasive influence of the second cycle press texts, in which new topics were introduced and a new community of values was defined. In a broader sense, the presence of language games in independent journalism can be treated as a signal of reproduction of public communication after a period of dominant newspeak - excluding and actually anti-communication.
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