The meaning of holiday in Polish, Lithuanian, French and its collocational (non)coincidence

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Vitalija Kazlauskienė
Agnieszka Dryjańska


The linguistic overview of the word holiday in the three languages (French, Lithuanian and Polish) is promising for the intercultural approach to teaching French as a foreign language with a view to go beyond the roughly monocultural contexts in Poland and Lithuania. The research is based on text corpora in these three languages. Its objective is to analyse the linguistic images of the word holiday and its Lithuanian and Polish equivalents and to examine their collocational (non)coincidence in order to systematize the teaching/learning of collocations to French learners. The aim would be to help students retain meaning and lexical association simultaneously, as well as to fix the structures they already partially know and to discover (inter)cultural aspects.


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How to Cite
Kazlauskienė, V. and Dryjańska, A. (2022) “The meaning of holiday in Polish, Lithuanian, French and its collocational (non)coincidence”, Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Linguistica, (17), pp. 20–42. doi: 10.24917/20831765.17.2.


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