Reports of Vilnius in the handwritten newspapers of Theodor Ostrowski as voices of collective memory in the press public discourse of the 18th century
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The article presents linguistic reflections related to the way of recording a thematic fragment of public discourse in the 18th century manuscript press genre. The object of analysis set in a genological context and referring to the linguistics of memory are the texts of Theodor Ostrovsky’s newspapers, which record the voices of collective memory of a specific social group about events and people related to Vilnius. The newspaper as a complex journalistic genre, and at the same time a secondary genre of memory, at the cognitive, pragmatic, stylistic level shapes and interprets the image of remembered Vilnius affairs, on the basis of individual voices of memory. The article discusses the strategy of serialization, lexical exponents of message mediation and authorial point of view, which introduce elements of communicative community memory (memory in genre) and situational memory. The cognitive polyphony of the press narrative is connected, among other things, with the adaptation of genres with primordially different life contexts, which modify the communicative and stylistic parameters of the analyzed messages.
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