O głowach dziwostwornych 1 w twórczości Pawlikowskich z Kozińca

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Maciej Mączyński


The article presents the linguistic concretisation of the motif of extraordinary heads (dialect: dziwostworne) that was conducted in the works of authors associated with Podhale and the Tatra Mountains. The starting point for the deliberations is placing the motif in the nineteenth- -century literature of the Tatra Mountains (authors such as Tetmajer, Witkiewicz, Stopka, Matlakowski) and the reconstruction of the motif’s further fate in the works by Pawlikowscy. A common element in the works of the discussed authors is location of the events against the background of the nature of the Tatra Mountains, intermingling of the real and fantastic worlds, drawing from the tradition and beliefs of the people from Podhale. Creation of the fabulous world in which extraordinary heads play a crucial role becomes for the authors a cultural game that is also undertaken by the readers.


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How to Cite
Mączyński, M. (2013) “O głowach dziwostwornych 1 w twórczości Pawlikowskich z Kozińca”, Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Linguistica, (8). Available at: https://studialinguistica.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/5116 (Accessed: 3 July 2024).


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