Współczesny dyskurs polityczny a zjawisko nowomowy
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In the article I discuss the problem of contemporary Polish political communication. In its communicative dimension, the contemporary mediatized reality has become an area of func- tioning of polarized and linguistically and ideologically separate communities: media broad- casters with their offer and separate recipient groups (with different competencies). The polarity of worldview and its linguistic realizations is the most visible in the Polish official political discourse. In the media it is realized mostly by linguistic activities of purely ideolog- ical character. Such polarized political discourse of the media has led to ideologically charged ‘double vision’ of reality and its conceptualization ‘Us - Them’ being the most characteristic trait of the contemporary media communication in our country. The phenomena discussed above, typical for current political discourse, are worrying because they draw our attention to a linguistic - and seemingly historical - category: to newspeak.
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