Dworskie nabożeństwo – a prayer book published by a post-Jesuitic Printing house of His Majesty the King and the Republic of Poland in Kalisz as a book and a linguistic text
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The article is a presentation of the previously undiscussed prayer book Dworskie nabożeństwo, published in 1781 in Kalisz, a city which has a long tradition of publishing, mainly connected with the activities of Jesuits. Currently there are 6 known copies of this anonymously published prayer book (commissioned for print “by a priest of the former order of The Society of Jesus”), including the one unknown to XX century bibliographers, found in the Library of Elbląg, which has been recovered and made available recently. Dworskie nabożeństwo is a book constructed in a very original way. It contains 368 identical hexamerous prayers. Parts of the prayers are placed in tables, in a way that makes the reader consciously reconstruct the whole prayer from the elements divided between different rows in the table.
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