Negative adjectives and adjectival participles in romantic poems
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The article is a research attempt to show the participation of a group of negative adjectives and adjectival participles formed using prefixes nie- and bez- in 8 romantic poems representing the textual corps of Polish romantic poetry. The negatives with prefix nie- are nine times more numerous than negatives formed using prefix bez-. Almost each negative is in romantic poems less numerous than his not negative equivalent. The participation of negatives reach 1,45% of the vocabulary and 0,34% of the text of analyzed corps. From among 7 romantic poets C. Norwid uses negatives most willingly. Most frequently represented are negatives: niemy, nieruchomy, niewinny, nieznajomy and niezwykły. Negatives in romantic poems are used for semantic and stylistic purposes. Most often they serve the poets to specify the description of characters and things.
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