Emotional Vocabulary of Romantic Poetry

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Edward Stachurski


The article presents a great number of emotional words in 8 romantic poems by 7 poets. The collection contains almost 1100 words, among which dominate negative words. Some of these emotional words are old and disused in contemporary readers’ point of view. Neologisms (particularly in poems by Norwid and Krasiński), household words, localisms, dialectal and disdainful words are present in romantic vocabulary. Some of those emotional words are key-words of analysed poetic texts. All emotional words (also interjections) serve to show the relationships between protagonists and signal the narrator’s point of view.


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How to Cite
Stachurski, E. (2019) “Emotional Vocabulary of Romantic Poetry”, Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Linguistica, (14), pp. 235–245. doi: 10.24917/20831765.14.19.


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