Mitologizmy frazeologiczne (nieobecne) we współczesnych opracowaniach frazeologicznych i paremiologicznych
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The article discusses a subset of Polish phraseology constituted by mythology-based phrases; special attention is given to the analysis of these in fourteen lexicographic works (including bilingual dictionaries, dictionaries of quotations and a combination of encyclopedia and dictionary). The research area (a definition of the term ‘mythology-based phrase’) is delineated and then the diagrams presenting the contribution of various sources to the collection of units under consideration are produced. The group of expressions forming the canon of Polish mythology-based phraseology is selected and characterized on the basis of their frequency in excerpted reference works. Finally, with reference to the studies confirming that Polish lexicographic works contain incomplete lists of such expressions and revealing downward trends in the number of items listed, an attempt at describing the situation is made.
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