Staropolska leksyka z zakresu górnictwa solnego
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This paper deals with the lexical material excerpted from Słownik staropolski (Old Polish Dictionary). The author analyzes words with the main morpheme -sól-//-sol-, as well as multiple-root forms, which are connected with salt mining, production and trade in terms of meaning. The collected vocabulary belongs to eight word groups: 1. names of the object of activity - salt and its varieties; 2. names of places - salt depots; 3. names of people who perform the activity - those who mine and produce salt, as well as those who trade in salt; 4. names of salt offices; 5. names of vessels and devices used for salt production; 6. names of taxes and payments made with salt; 7. names of salt measures; 8. other chosen names connected with salt trade. The presented lexicon constitutes interesting material useful in further studies on salt vocabulary.
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